Friday, May 24, 2013

Matthew Yelton

 Matthew Yelton
Full Trisomy 18
Born Sleeping November 19, 2010

My husband and I were married in June of 08, we knew before we were married that we wanted children right away. Our first son was concieved right away and born 9 months after our wedding... Around his first birthday we decided to try for our second child. It took less then a month and we were pregnant again!! we couldn't have been happier... At 20 weeks we went to our routine ultrasound hoping to find out what we were having, they told us the baby was being difficult and they couldn't tell if it was a boy or girl but also couldn't get good pics of his heart... They told us to come back in 3 weeks and they would try again. So we did, it happened that the afternoon of the second ultrasound I also had an appt with my ob. When we had that ultrasound they didn't say much of anything except that they still couldn't find his boy parts... After the ultrasound my husband went back to work, and I went on to see the ob. That was the first day we were told there could be something wrong... The ultrasound showed problems with his heart and face. She sent us to see a perinate. In the next few days I had made so many phone calls and yelled at plenty of office people for telling me the soonest they could get us in would be 3 weeks. How CAN U TELL A MOTHER THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH HER BABY AND THEN TELL HER SHE HAS TO WAIT 3 WEEKS TO SEE THE DR!!!!! Needless to say we got in the next week. With the perinate and a peds cardiologist we had a lvl 2 ultrasound and an echocardiogram done. The ultrasound showed many markers for Trisomy 18, I had never heard of it. The echo showed he (also found out it was a boy!!) had many heart defects. It was then that they told us they recommended the amnio.. The perinate was very composed about it and didn't give his opinoin until my husband asked, is it fatal? Thats when we were told that yes it is fatal and given all the markers, he didn't look good at all. We got the FISH back in 48 hours that was positive for Trisomy 18. and the full results back 2 weeks later. We connected wtih the palative care director and head of hospice. In the meantime we went back to my OB, please note that I was 20 weeks, the second at 23 weeks, the amnio and lvl 2 at 24 weeks and finally back in the see my ob at 25 weeks. She told us we should terminate, that he wouldn't make it and we were only adding inconvience to ourselves by driving to an even further hospital to continue our care and give him the best chance possible!!! I NEVER WENT BACK!! I was told by my new ob that I had a condition called Polyhydromosis (SP) , which meant I was going to get very big, (I was already measuring ahead) because I had alot of amniotic fluid. He was supportive and behind us all the way. Matthew made his early arrival at 33 weeks, very much so alive and kicking right up until the end. We lost Matthew durring delivery. There are so many what if's and regrets. He never had the chance to fight. I love you Matthew Leon. We will never forget, everything I do, I do for that lil boy!! A peice of my heart died that day, it broke right off and went to heaven with my precious son. I know that one day I will have that back, the day we meet again.

We hope these stories of children with trisomy will inspire you. From cleft lips to contagious smiles, group of families are here to offer you support as you begin your trisomy journey. It seems we only hear of the problems that come with a child having Trisomy . There is so much more to these sweet lives. Each day the living children bring joy to their families as they accomplish simple tasks or reach a milestone, the angels remind us that life is short but a blessing all the same and they will forever be engraved in our hearts. Be sure to check back for our next story or update and until then....Embrace life one moment at a time ~  Vanessa

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