Friday, May 24, 2013


Trisomy ~ 1 1/2 years
I found out that I was Jalyssa had Trisomy 18 when I was about 24 weeks into my pregnancy. When I heard the news I was devastated. I didn't really know how to feel because of what the doctors were telling me. They told me that she would die in utero. After I came back to my senses and realized that they were practicing medicine and that God was the one and only true physician I started to plan her life. On September 23, 2011 I was induced and Jalyssa decided that she wasn't going to wait for the nurses or any doctors to come into the room to be born. She fell out onto the bed (good thing I was up on my knees.) She came into the world crying and breathing on her own just as my other kids did. The day after she was born the doctors told me to take her home and love on her because she would pass within the next few days. I ignored that remark and was determined to bring her home and love on her for as long as God would allow me to. Jalyssa has had to have heart surgery, a tracheostomy placed, and also a G-tube for feeding. She is now 18 months and doing wonderful. I feel that because I have kept my faith in God and allowed him to take over, I have been able to keep her for as long as I have. I don't know how much more time he will give any of us here, but Jalyssa has taught me to cherish each and every day that God wakes me up. She has also taught me the true meaning of love. Thank you Jalyssa for coming into our lives. We will cherish and love you always!!!

 We hope these stories of children with trisomy will inspire you. From cleft lips to contagious smiles, group of families are here to offer you support as you begin your trisomy journey. It seems we only hear of the problems that come with a child having Trisomy . There is so much more to these sweet lives. Each day the living children bring joy to their families as they accomplish simple tasks or reach a milestone, the angels remind us that life is short but a blessing all the same and they will forever be engraved in our hearts. Be sure to check back for our next story or update and until then....Embrace life one moment at a time ~  Vanessa

1 comment:

  1. That is a blessing and GOD is good all the time and he has the final say....My daughter is going to be 1 month old on the July 17th, and I'm praising GOD to the fullest....I would really like to chat with you!!my email address is
